Who we are
The story behind the Elemental Water Foundation
We have noticed that the freshwater scarcity is increasing. Already today, almost 2/3 of the world population is affected by water scarcity. With an increasing, population and their large water footprint and the changing availability of water due to climate change, we believe that water scarcity is one of the biggest challenges for humanity in this century. This is backed by the WEF.
The creation of the Foundation in 2017 has been the result of the voluntary efforts of four individuals who want to make an impact on the availability of clean and affordable water for people who need it the most. Four different people with different stories who share the same goal: to enable safe and affordable fresh water on a global scale through projects that provide water using desalination, preferably driven by renewable energy, for people that face water scarcity. We sincerely hope that you will join us in achieving this goal.
We envision a society in which everybody has access to clean and affordable drinking water. This can be accomplished by using existing water resources efficiently, by re-using water and by exploring alternative sources of water. The Foundation focusses on the latter: to provide access to freshwater by desalination of saltwater from the sea or the ground. This naturally implies a focus on coastal regions and islands where freshwater is scarce.
As can be read in the articles of association, the Foundation does not aim to make any profits. The assets of the Foundation will be used for purposes of realization of the goal of the Foundation. The Foundation holds no more assets as is reasonably considered necessary for the continuity of the provided services for the realization of the objects of the Foundation. The board members shall not derive benefits from the Foundation except for compensation by means of an attendance fee arrangement to be determined by the board within the permissible fiscal limits. Currently, the Board is entirely voluntary and does not receive any compensation for their efforts and time spent.
Meet the Board of the Foundation

Reinoud Feenstra
Secretary & Treasurer
Reinoud is an engineer who is dedicated to providing durable and long-lasting sustainable solutions for water scarcity. In the past years, he has been selected as Sustainable Young leader several times for his efforts…

Hendrik-Jan Glerum
Board member
Hendrik-Jan is a serial entrepreneur and the director of Feedback Company. Transparancy and reliability are…

Sid Vollebregt
Sid is an engineer and entrepreneur who has specialized in improving the access to fresh water through solar desalination since 2011. Past years, he has worked in over 50 water scarce area’s worldwide. As co-founder…

Levi Tassenaar
Levi is currently, on a voluntary basis, managing the fundraising and PR of the foundation. He has finished his bachelor degree in South and Southeast Asian studies…

Luuk Rietveld
Board member
Luuk Rietveld is Professor of Drinking Water & Urban Water Cycle Technology at the University…

Dylan Jongbloed
Dylan has been interning at EWF as part of the Sustainable Business and Innovation master program at the Utrecht University. He has finalised his bachelors degree…

Lisa Schallwig
Lisa has been interning at EWF while doing her masters in Water Management at TU Delft. She completed her bachelors degree at Jacobs University Bremen in Germany…

David Hulsker
David focusses on improving the online visibility and engagement of the Elemental Water Foundation. After finishing his bachelor at the College University of Rotterdam…

Gabriele Gobbi
Gabriele Gobbi is a final year student following the BA program European Studies at The Hague University, Den Haag. After completing his thesis about European Plastic policy…