What we do
The goal of the Foundation is to enable safe and affordable fresh water on a global scale through projects that provide water using desalination, preferably driven by renewable energy, for people that face water scarcity. With the help of a strong local NGO, we find a community that can benefit access to safe and affordable water to help break the cycle of poverty. As a result, the women and children who are often involved in collecting dirty water from unsafe sources, gain time for education and development. The community benefits from improved health and living standards and the opportunities that this brings.
For each project, we closely work together with the local institutions through the NGO-partner. We establish a project scope, based on the number of people and the available water quality. Once confirmed, the responsibilities for the preparation, installation and operation of the project are defined, together with the NGO-partner. Once the project budget is defined, the Elemental Water Foundation and NGO-partner will start their fundraising activities to be able to fund the project. When 100% funding is obtained, the Foundation will initiate and monitor the execution of the project. Afterwards, the project and its partners are evaluated and potential follow-up will be initiated.
Frequently Asked Questions
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By getting access to water from abundant resources such as the sea, using the unlimited power from the sun, we can ensure a truly sustainable water supply. No more fossil fuels involved to transport water.

Long-term solutions
The projects are there to stay. Using corrosion resistant and easy to use, durable material, the solar desalination project will run for >10 years. The local NGO is trained for daily operation and maintenance and remote monitoring is available for trouble-shooting.

Clean water for Everyone
Without our help, these remote coastal communities are on their own. The desalination technology of reverse osmosis takes out all salts, bacteria and viruses. Using post-treatment of remineralisation, the water will meet the WHO guidelines.

Madagascar is one of the 10 least developed countries in the world. Along the coast, there are numerous rural communities that lack access to safe drinking water. These underdeveloped communities rely on groundwater. The quality of the groundwater is brackish and turbid, causing disease as its unfit for consumption. However, these communities have no other option for drinking water. Find out how the Elemental Water Foundation and the local population collaborate to break the cycle of water scarcity by clicking below.